
Monday, June 24, 2013

Sprained Ankle: Healing it Using Bentonite Clay

Clay can be used for a variety of things. From healing ourselves internally (IBS, Candida, diarrhea), to healing ourselves externally (bug bites and stings, bruises, rashes, etc).

In this video I show what I did to treat my daughter's sprained foot.

The Story

My daughter has the tendency to roll her ankle. The first time she had rolled it she complained about it hurting her, off and on, for a month until I finally opened my eyes and realized that this problem wasn't going away and it needed some attention.

I decided to treat it using bentonite clay. So the night of my awakening, I applied a thick layer of bentonite clay paste to her ankle, wrapped it with saran wrap and said goodnight. The next morning - much to our delightful surprise - the pain was absolutely gone! We were amazed.

Months later the pain never came back until ... she rolled her ankle again (hence the reason for the creation of this video). It had been bothering her for about a week. We applied the clay twice and, once again, the pain and inflammation were gone.

Bentonite clay. We love this stuff!

(You can click here to read about the many things I have learned about this amazing substance, how else to use it and where to get some.)

(photo credit)

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