
First Aid Kit

There are so many wonderful resources to turn to in the event of a minor accident or injury. In this category I'll be sharing with you the things I've learned about that I love to use and keep stored away in our first aid kit.

I like to keep 3 first aid kits handy - one in my purse, one in my home and one in my car. (I never know when something might happen - especially with four active little ones.)

I'll talk about resources for bee stings, mosquito bites, minor cuts and burns, upset tummies, eye infections, ear infections and more.

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  1. first aid kit should include items like how to treat certain conditions and also explain what each item in the first aid kit treats and how it is used to treat that ailment.

    1. I think it is a great idea. I once cut my finger pretty badly (cut through about a quarter of my nail) and blood was running, so I grabbed a bottle of cayenne and just dumped it on to stop the bleeding. It burned, but stopped it very quickly. However it was not easy to get caked on powder later, so I think tincture would be better. It would be good to have small booklet of how to use things, when we need it quickly.
